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Private Pilot Syllabus
Less than 5 hours  More than 5 hours  Nearing Solo  After First Solo  Nearing Checkride  Ground School

Students with more than 5 hours:

Any Questions...
Call 631-807-1373

Flying/Maneuvers Assessment:
We do not expect the initial maneuvers (Slow Flight, Stalls, Steep Turns, etc), to be perfect, but that is what you are working towards!

We do hope that your basic flying skills are fairly well established.
Straight & Level - Turns - Climbs - Descents
(maybe you can even level our at your assigned altitude after a climb or descent?)

Regardless of your individual ability, continued review of the all initial maneuvers that have been introduced will help you achieve the next goal - LANDINGS!
With Added Practice, the following will continue to Improve:
Aircraft/Airspeed configuration changes & use of trim
Speeds associated with use of flaps
Cockpit management (use of a kneeboard is very helpful)

Also, You should have solid grasp of the following:
Use of checklists
Pre-Flight Inspection
Positive exchange of flight controls
Starting procedures
Taxiing & Crosswind taxi procedures
Before takeoff check
Normal takeoff and climb
Visual scanning and collision avoidance
Parking and securing aircraft

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